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Borgo Spante Private Hamlet Holiday


Borgo Spante is an ancient rural domain set 650 metres high on the slopes of Mount Peglia (Umbria) and immersed in the deep greenery of the pine forest and the oak woods that surround it in a timeless embrace. It is not just a group of houses but a truly genuine village transformed to provide farmhouse holidays, with the family’s ancient villa and around it, a collection of farmhouses, some stables, even the small school no longer in use, which have all been converted into comfortable apartments.


The property is set in 10.000 hectares of estate land, untouched for centuries; in the park of the villa can be found an Italianate garden, an ancient Roccolo or green, tree-encircled space for ensnaring birds, the chapel that dates back to 1831 and a spring of clear, fresh water.


What for many a long year was a great agricultural enterprise, is today an oasis of peace and tranquillity, ideal for a nature holiday in a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

It is an ideal setting for excursions, for bird watching and walks, where you can savour the delightful and enchanting atmosphere of this corner of Umbria.


In this romantic private Hamlet, eagerly devised and put into operation with creativity, simplicity and a sense of fun, by Claudia Spatola, moments of sheer bliss can be experienced as different, evocative aspects of its authentic charm are revealed. For within a radius of several kilometres one can penetrate into woodland scenery and look upon spellbinding torrents and lakes which are not only stunning spectacles but which offer evocative moments of peace and serenity.


Borgo Spante is an ancient rural domain set 650 metres high on the slopes of Mount Peglia (Umbria) and immersed in the deep greenery of the pine forest and the oak woods that surround it in a timeless embrace. It is not just a group of houses but a truly genuine village transformed to provide farmhouse holidays, with the family’s ancient villa and around it, a collection of farmhouses, some stables, even the small school no longer in use, which have all been converted into comfortable apartments.


The property is set in 10.000 hectares of estate land, untouched for centuries; in the park of the villa can be found an Italianate garden, an ancient Roccolo or green, tree-encircled space for ensnaring birds, the chapel that dates back to 1831 and a spring of clear, fresh water.


What for many a long year was a great agricultural enterprise, is today an oasis of peace and tranquillity, ideal for a nature holiday in a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

It is an ideal setting for excursions, for bird watching and walks, where you can savour the delightful and enchanting atmosphere of this corner of Umbria.


In this romantic private Hamlet, eagerly devised and put into operation with creativity, simplicity and a sense of fun, by Claudia Spatola, moments of sheer bliss can be experienced as different, evocative aspects of its authentic charm are revealed. For within a radius of several kilometres one can penetrate into woodland scenery and look upon spellbinding torrents and lakes which are not only stunning spectacles but which offer evocative moments of peace and serenity.


Il progetto imprenditoriale realizzato ha come obiettivo principale quello di incrementare la redditività dell’impresa al fine di garantire la prosecuzione dell’attività agricola. Tale obiettivo è raggiunto attraverso l’incremento ed il miglioramento dell’efficienza dell’attività zootecnica; nello specifico si è incrementata la già ben avviata attività di allevamento attraverso la realizzazione di una nuova stalla che servirà da ricovero per gli animali.

Grazie alla presenza di un locale idoneo completo di paddock esterno, di una concimaia per la raccolta e smaltimento reflui e la disponibilità costante di acqua (grazie alla cisterna per l’accumulo di acqua piovana), sarà possibile migliorare la gestione della mandria nella sua globalità, facilitando i periodici controlli veterinari o l’assistenza in determinati momenti quali ad esempio i parti e la gestione dei capi con problemi di salute. I benefici economici derivanti dalla realizzazione dell'investimento realizzato saranno subito evidenti infatti, l'incremento di redditività fra la situazione ante e post-investimento rappresenta un buon miglioramento economico dell'impresa dettato dall’incremento del numero dei vitelli venduti. L’obiettivo perseguibile, riguarda principalmente il miglioramento ed il consolidamento economico dell’impresa, come conseguenza diretta del miglioramento dell’efficienza aziendale.